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Albany Ahead
A Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Albany's Future!
Online Survey
The Village would appreciate if you took a few moments to take this online survey about the future of Albany.
About Albany Ahead
Albany Ahead is a project the Village of Albany, Ohio is taking on to develop a modern comprehensive plan for the entire community. A comprehensive plan is a long-term guide for future development, redevelopment, and reinvestment that looks out 10 to 15 years. The intent of the plan is to provide a vision on which future decisions can be based on including, but not limited to, capital improvements, investment and reinvestment opportunities, and regulatory changes related to the physical, economic, and social development of the village.
Get Involved!
The vision and recommendations of the plan will be driven by input from residents, property owners, and business owners who will have multiple opportunities to participate in the plan throughout the course of the project. The village has also established a steering committee to work closely with the consultants to craft a plan that is tailored to the Village of Albany's needs and resources. All residents, business owners, leaders, and stakeholders will have an opportunity to engage in this process at multiple times and in a variety of methods. Subscribe to this site through the link below to be notified of upcoming events and updates on this important project.
Upcoming Albany Ahead Events
Albany Ahead Public Kick-Off Meeting
The Village of Albany will be hosting a public kick-off meeting to provide more information on the Albany Ahead project and to invite attendees to participate in interactive discussions about the future of Albany. We invite you all to attend to help guide future growth in Albany!
When: Tuesday, July 19th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Where: Village Offices/Council Chamber at 5153 Alton Street

Get Involved!
If you have any questions or comments regarding this project, feel free to reach out via the contact submission below.
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